Videos and PodcastsTariq Modood in conversation, autobiographical interview of Tariq Modood by Laura Lam at the CERC Migration, Toronto Metropolitan University on 9 June, 2022.
Multicultural nationalism and liberal nationalism, CERC Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University, 26 May 2022.
Normative sociology and the Bristol School of Multiculturalism, Interviewed by Elisabeth Topkara on 23 March 2022 for publication together with my article in a Special Issue of Civic Sociology on Normative Sociology edited by her and Reuben Flores, available online summer/autumn 2022
Arc of history talk: Empires and countries that made me, University of Bristol School of Education's Bristol Conversations in Education research seminar series. Co-hosted by the Race, Empire and Education Collective and Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE). Speaker: Professor Tariq Modood, Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy, University of Bristol. Moderator: Amina Shareef, Doctoral Student, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Autobiography of first 45 years, talk and Q&A given at the University of Bristol, 'Their stories' session of 14 December 2021.
Is there an Islamophobia problem?, Inclusion Matters series, University of Bristol, 9 November 2021.
From Anti-Racism to Multiculturalism, Engineering EDI Seminar, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8 October, 2021.
Interviewed by Kristin Hissong for ASEN podcast series on 'What is Multi-Cultural Nationalism?' Public lecture at The Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE), a member of College of Islamic Studies (CIS) in Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, on 'Ethno-religious Equality, Islamophobia, Multicultural Equality and moderate Secularism: Useful Outside the West?'
Interviewed by Dr Ulrike Spohn about religion and cultural diversity as part of the 'Living Diversity - Shaping Society' project
Interviewed on February 6th by the BBC Inside Out London to know the effect that names have in the job selection of candidates.
Interviewed on Deutsche Welle (the global German English-language TV station) on migration and integration.
Appearance on Avenue d'Europe, France 3, February 10, 2016.
Hard Talk interview on Multiculturalism on BBC Persian TV, April 21, 2015. Persion version also available here.
DVD to be screened at "Global Migration, Structural Inclusion, and Citizenship Education Across Nations" conference, University of Washington, June 22-26, 2015.
Video: Tariq Modood & Ted Cantle, 'Interculturalism versus Multiculturalism: How Can we Live Together in Diversity?', Loughborough University, 25 March, 2015.
Video: Tariq Modood on The Agenda with Steve Paikin: The Price of Satire, TV Ontario, January 9, 2015.
Video: Multiculturalism, 2nd ed.
Video: 'Interculturalism and Multiculturalism'. Video: 'The Strange Non-Death of Multiculturalism'.
European University Institute, Feb 2013. Video: 'Multicultural Politics: Success, Failure, and the Future'. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 20 November, 2012.
Video: Newsnight Review, July 2009. Radio: 'Cities and Ethnicities' on Thinking Allowed, BBC Radio 4, April 2008. Radio: 'Segregation' on Thinking Allowed, BBC Radio4, May 2009. Podcast: Tariq Modood on the Crisis of European Secularism, The Religious Studies Project. May 2012. Video: 'Post-Immigration "Difference" and Integration'. Presentation at the 2012 Pluralism Forum, Global Centre for Pluralism, Ottawa. April 2012. Video: 'Multiculturalism: Does it Have a Future?' Dialogue Society, February 2012.
Podcast: Tariq Modood on the History of Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism Bites, The Open University. July 2011. Video: 'Multiculturalism and Integration', Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary, University of London.
Video: 'Multicultural Europe: Secular, Post-Secular or Multifaith?', The European Institute, UCL. Video: The Great Issues Forum: Immigration and Islam. The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York. March 8, 2010.