Edited Volumes
T. Modood and T. Sealy (2024) (eds) Governing Religious Diversity in Global Comparative Perspective Routledge.
T. Modood and T. Sealy (2022) (eds) The Governance of Religious Diversity: global comparative perspectives, Religion, State and Society, vol. 50 (4). Modood, T. and Sealy, T. (2022) Some forms of racism and anti-racism in Asia and the Middle East: Beyond Euro-Americancentricity. The Political Quarterly. Modood, T, Uberoi, V and Thompson, S. (Eds) Multiculturalism, Religion, Secularism and Nationalism, Ethnicities, advance online (Special Issue based on the plenaries from conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, November, 2019). Triandifyllidou, A. and T. Modood (eds) (2017) The Problem of Religious Diversity: European Problems, Asian Challenges, Edinburgh University Press. Meer, N., Modood, T. & Zapata-Barrero, R. (eds) (2016) Multiculturalism and Interculturalism: debating the dividing lines, Edinburgh University Press.
V. Uberoi and T. Modood (eds.) (2015) Multiculturalism Rethought: Interpretations, Dilemmas and New Directions, Edinburgh University Press.
D'Costa, G., Evans, M., Modood, T. & Rivers, J. (eds) (2013) Religion in a Liberal State, Cambridge University Press. Dobbernack, J. & Modood, T. (eds) (2013) Tolerance, Intolerance and Respect: Hard to
Accept? Palgrave. Triandafyllidou, A., Modood, T. & Meer, N. (eds) (2012) European Multiculturalisms: Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges, Edinburgh University Press.
Modood, T. & Salt, J. (2011; pbk, Nov 2012) Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness, Palgrave.
Levey, G. & Modood, T. (eds) (2009) Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship, Cambridge University Press.
Raymond, G. & Modood, T. (eds) (2007) The Construction of Minority Identities in France and Britain, Palgrave McMillan.
Modood, T., Triandafyllidou, A. & Zapata-Barrero, R. (eds) (2006) Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach, Routledge.
Loury, G., Modood, T. & Teles, S. (eds) (2005) Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy in the US and UK, Cambridge University Press.
May, S., Modood, T. & Squires, J. (eds) (2004) Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights, Cambridge University Press.
Modood, T. & Werbner, P. (eds) (1997) The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe, Zed Books.
Werbner, P. & Modood, T. (eds) (1997) Debating Cultural Hybridities: Identities and the Politics of Anti-Racism, Zed Books.
Boucher, D., Connelley, J. & Modood, T. (eds) (1995), Philosophy, History and Civilisation: Essays on R G Collingwood, University of Wales Press.